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Albert 'A Little Something From A December Night'

Jan 2018 by Route One

Did you see that Free cover? The one with Albert Nyberg's unfathomably spectacular casper wallride down a stair set in Luxembourg*? Well sadly it's not in this. Worry not though, this brand new five minute montage from Fast Wheels contains more than enough seven ply madness from the amazingly warped brain of Linkoping, Sweden's most radical son.

And, if the prospect of brand new Abbe footage wasn't enough to whet you appetite this cold January morning, when you factor in an appearance from Sour team mate Barney Page, clicking play is a proposition nobody should be turning down. 

As is usually the case at this time of year, we're all in need of blowing off the cobwebs and finding something to motivate us having overdone it throughout the festive period. Thankfully our old friend Albert never fails to deliver and this is exactly what the doctor ordered to banish those January blues and build the stoke for the new year ahead!

*If you haven't we suggest you get yourself onto Free's insta quick sharp!

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