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Brand New Jordan Sanchez Part

Aug 2014 by Route One

Jordan Sanchez: Never heard of him? Well that is about to change as he has dropped one of the raddest and most progressive parts of the month. Darkslides and Natas spins? Yeah, but not how you’d expect…

We’re not talking a clean cut, tight trucked freestyle kid.  No, Jordan skates the grimiest backstreet spots with the loosest of trucks and the flowiest of styles. You don’t feel his skateboarding is contrived and set out to be different or odd – you just feel he was passing by an alley and just played about seeing what he could do.

Some of it is pretty gnarly, some of it is pretty crusty, some of it is pretty dorky and some of it is pretty bonkers – whatever category each clip individually falls into, as a whole it comes out as just plain rad and we guarantee the ender is very much an NBD.

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