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MASH - Thrasher Magazine

Nov 2015 by Route One

Blood Wizard Pro Chris Gregson has been a stand out skateboarder for some years now, casually killing just about anything he touches, his reputation for being gnarly has become hugely recognised. And in more recent times Chris has jumped on to the flip side of the camera to take a hand at filming for himself, and he's damn good at it!
If you've ever attempted to film a friend skateboarding whilst skateboarding yourself, you'll understand just how much of a dark art it actually is. Gregson is an exception to the rule of, 'it's supposed to be hard' logic...
So now imagine Following fish eye on some of the worlds, biggest, gnarliest, roughest, smoothest and craziest concrete transitions skateboarding has to offer, whilst the skater in front of you is airing, grinding and power sliding inches away from your face.

With the insanely difficult lines, gnarly tricks and on point filming Chris has excelled himself with this one of a kind filming style featured in this MASH edit.
Featuring the likes of Route one rider Sam Beckett, Collin Provost, Willis Kimbel, Kevin Kowalski, Rowan Zorilla and many more.

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