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Mike Carroll On The Future Of Crailtap

May 2016 by Route One

Unless you’ve been living on Jupiter for the past week you can’t help but have noticed the proverbial faecal storm created by the announcement of Marc Johnson leaving Lakai for adidas. Within hours of the move being made public, Crailtap main man Mike Carroll got in touch with Jenkem Magazine and the results make quite possibly the most explosive interview to hit skateboarding ever!

The interview starts off civil enough, explaining the resignations of Koston and Guy then lamenting the ceding of Gino and Brian Anderson, before moving onto the subject that has been the centre of every skate conversation since Saturday evening – MJ relinquishment of duties in favour of pastures new…

Let’s just say that no punches are being pulled in this very public spat and Marc isn’t only moving shoes brands this week! We really can’t say any more for fear of taking thunder from the piece; we suggest you click the image below to read for yourselves right now.

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