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Mike Wright Rehash

Nov 2016 by Route One

The latest clip in the 'Rehash' series from Sidewalk Mag sees archive footage from Hebden Bridge's curly haired wonder-kid Mike Wright, chronicling his pre-Blueprint days, right through to some of his most current skateboarding wizardry.

For most of us skateboarding is pretty hard, tricks are a struggle to learn and, even once we think we have them dialled, we still never have full control of that plank of wood beneath our feet. The same can be said for most pro's too; sure they produce some amazing clips for us to see but it's sheer determination of their part to bring seeming impossible ideas to life. Then, ever so occasionally, there are people like Michael Wright. 

Mike Wright understands the minutiae of skateboarding trickery, and the ever so subtle nuances of body weight ratios to foot placement, so intrinsically that it's almost as if the board is an extension of his very being. Truth be told he can manipulate it better than most of us can a knife and for - it's really just that natural to him! 


We know you're going to enjoy this, he really is one of the best to ever do it...

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