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Asphalt Yacht Club x Ghostbusters

Jul 2016 by Route One

Other than the proverbial ‘under rock’ dwellers, everybody on the planet right now knows about the new Ghostbusters flim. Starring the likes of Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig and earning the dubious honour of most disliked trailer on Youtube of all time, it’s been pretty hard to ignore of late.

Truth be told we have yet to see  the film so can’t comment on any press, negative or otherwise, but we have seen plenty of promotional advertising and this clip showcasing the collab with skate clothing brand Asphalt Yacht Club is the latest cross branding idea sent to tempt you into the cinema.

Featuring Jaws, Stephen Lawyer, Slimer and the iconic Etco-1 giving the guys a skitch, this short but sweet clip proves, if nothing else, that sometimes you really have no idea what marketing folk will think of next!

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