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Carlos Ribeiro 'Juice'

Feb 2017 by Route One

Primitive Skateboards Carlos Ribeiro is really quite good at skateboarding but you probably knew that already. Earning a pro spot on P-Rod's team doesn't come easy and the man from Porto Alegre has certainly proved himself worthy with his coverage over recent years. And that was before this part came out...


And 'Oh my word' does Carlos demonstrate his god given talent right here. Staking a claim for owner of the best Front Side flip in the game (yes, we're well aware of Penny and Reynolds; this is how good his are) and taking a winding trip down a tech road less travelled, his approach could be that of your typical Instagram skate-park hero, just done with a level of power and grace rarely seen. We can all spend three hours flinging our board wildly in the hope of landing something new (many of us do!) but none of us are doing it at full speed, in lines and on waist high obstacles. Well, none of us except Carlos.


If you want to see how the 'brand new for 2017' revised edition of the trick textbook explains the optimum way in which to perform your skateboard manoeuvres, just take note of Carlos' exquisite technique. The man does everything as perfect as perfect can be; you simply won't find better examples than this...

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