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Fourstar - Obtuse Moments Tour

Nov 2015 by Route One

During the highs of the 2015 summer, Fourstar hit the road to embark on the 'Obtuse moments' European tour with a coach full of it's heavy hitting team, consisting of skateboarding legends Mike Carroll, Rick Howard, Frank Gerwer, and spring chickens Ishod Wair, Lucas Puig, Andrew Brophy, Tyler Bledsoe and Sean Malto.

Stopping off in some of the most prolific European cities to skate the best terrain they have to offer, Hamburg, Berlin, Haderslev and Copenhagen all receive a royal seeing to by the Fourstar crew.
From well known indoor parks, the insane 'Skate dome" by Rune Glifberg's skatepark design company Glifberg Lykke and instantly recognisable heavenly street architecture, the Fourstar lot really left a mark on spots that are considered blown out and rinsed...
Stand out highlights include Ishod casually shutting down kinked hand rails, huge stairs and pretty much anything served up, Lucas Puig's tan and tennis short combo's, Gerwers charismatic presenting and seeing Malto back on good form...

Hit the play button, feast your eyes on 17 minutes of traditional skate tour antics, salivate for the spots, get hyped and start saving up for your easyjet tickets for summer 2016.


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