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James Harris’ ‘In A Car’

May 2015 by Route One

Bristolian filmer James Harris has just released his latest montage clip of mates and local rippers ‘In a car’.

The clip features our own Nicky Howells alongside the likes of A Third Foot’s Andy Coleman, Milk’s Charlie Munroe, Welsh Tommy and Nicky’s former housemate and long term partner in crime Dave Snaddon.

Everything from classic Bristol spots to perfect London ledges get taken apart in this clip & there is no denying young James is pretty handy with his trusty DSLR. Given most of the lads in this are working towards full length projects the footage is a more realistic representation of everyday skateboarding for those involved but that actually makes for much more enjoyable viewing as it proves just how good this lot are!

In a Car from James Harris on Vimeo.

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