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Jordan Maxham Sun Machine

May 2016 by Route One

You probably remember Jordan Maxham from Ty Evans' cinematic opus ‘We Are Blood’, truth be told it’s quite hard to forget someone who tried to frontside flip El Toro. As of this moment though he’s no longer that ‘nearly man’ – now he’s the guy to do quite possibly the gnarliest hand rail of all time.

We don’t want to spoil the surprise for you so we won’t go into details about the Grizzly Grip representative’s ender, what we will say however that it certainly is far from being the only hammer in what is, without a doubt, one of the most stunt heavy parts of the past 12 months.

Mixing everything from the aforementioned unbelievable banister hammers to some pretty darn technical ledge skating, this part from the Warco rider, released through ‘The Skateboard Mag’ website, is quite possibly the most important clip you’ll watch all month and that’s no hyperbole, it’s just plain fact.

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