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Pedro Delfino 'My War'

Apr 2018 by Route One

At long last Thrasher have released the back story behind quite possibly the greatest magazine cover of all time (and certainly the sickest one in living memory). No, we're blatantly not talking about Atiba's messed up angle on Foy's first try front crooks down El Toro & you know it!  It's virtually unknown Pedro Del Fino's insane SF board slide shot that not only shocked the skate world but instigated a million and one skate shop conversations, each trying to figure out exactly how he found himself perched so precariously on that banister!


And though the reality is the most obvious route, it's really sick to see this most spectacular of skate pics was achieved in the most old fashioned of ways with just a small crew, one still camera and an old VX. No fancy lighting rigs or permits were required for this one and, when you consider Pedro was essentially a complete unknown at the time of shooting, it instills hope in skaters the world over that our hobby hasn't fully succumbed to the ideals of the elitist money men and that a random dude getting rad can still grace the cover of the greatest mag in the world without caring for any of the politics or bullsh*t that so often gets in the way.

This is inspiration right here. It's also a lesson in how to get buck! Watch and learn...

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