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Stephen Fox The Motion Picture

Oct 2021 by Route One

Owen Watkins, A.K.A Sox, is a veritable stalwart of the UK scene. A fixture of every event the length and breadth of this sceptred isle, the Cwmbran native epitomises the very best of the skate nomad lifestyle, couch surfing his way around the country (and Europe so it seems) with little more than his board, a big ol' smile and the ability to hold on to any trick, no matter how ridiculous its conceivement may seem.

Having met Jackson Davis in Bilbao back in 2018, an immediate friendship was formed that birthed this fantastic video we're sharing with you today. Featuring oft' overlooked architecture, as well as "tricks" most would never consider, alongside a cast of extremely talented friends, 'Stephen Fox the Motion Picture' celebrates the shared affinity two skate bros have found in each other.

Unsullied love for the immaculacy of skateboarding is hard to find these days but Sox and Jackson have managed it with aplomb, settle down and enjoy the radness because that's exactly what they made this for!

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