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Zero 'Damn it All' (well 'Thrill of it All' actually...)

Oct 2019 by Route One

Skateboarding seems to be in a rad place right now. After the seismic economic changes of the past decade and the cataclysmic shifts in the way in which we imbibe our media, things finally seem to be leveling out and it's great to see the way the older brands (well, the ones that managed to survive) are handling business here in 2019.

Gone are the days of chasing the trend, copying your neighbour and every man and his dog being guilty of the same myopic approach repeated ad infitum; emboldened by the strength of DC's resurgence from doing things their own way, other brands are going back to their roots and producing product and content in a format that is simply true to self. And that's what we get here, in the form of Zero Skateboards latest full length Damn it all.

Back in '97 Thrill of it All set Zero on the way to becoming the biggest skate brand on the planet and in '06 Jamie Thomas was named Ernst & Young's Entrepreneur of the Year; it seemed Black Box and the man behind the collection of associated brands could do no wrong. Then the economy crashed, DVD's died and, almost overnight, nothing seemed like it would ever be the same again. Yet here we are, 13 years later, and Zero are releasing a full length video* that, instead of copying the latest fad or tweaking the latest trend, is unashamedly the very same Zero we all knew and loved two decades ago!

*Damn it All, the video itself, just got taken down from Youtube (though a certain Gentleman's entertainment site has a copy playing live but we don't really feel it's appropriate to prorate the link) so we figure we might as well share the classic release Thrill of it All, the video that kicked it all off!

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