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One Rewards, Route One Loyalty Account
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Ross Patrick



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GO-TO TRICK: Front Lip Smith Grind


DREAM TRICK: Front nose grinds on lock 🤣


WHO INFLUNCES YOU THE MOST IN SKATEBOARDING: My friends influence and hype me up the most, but obviously Grant Taylor, Peter Hewitt, all those gnarlers.


FAVOURITE ROUTE ONE PRODUCT: The route one super baggy jeans and super baggy cargos!


FAVOURITE ROUTE ONE SKATER: Favourite route one skater is Tony McSorley. Style, power for days!


IF YOU HAD A PRO GRAPHIC, WHAT WOULD BE ON IT: If I had a pro graphic would probably be me catching a shark with a can of tennents in my hand🤣🤣


BEST EVER SKATE MISSION: Best ever skate mission was probably the first time I went Copenhagen, met amazing people, saw amazing skating and just a hell of a time.


WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU ARE NOT SKATING: When I’m not working I like to hang with mates, fishing, and genuinely being involved with skate projects etc.


WHAT MUSIC ARE YOU LISENTING TO RIGHT NOW/ LAST SONG PLAYED: Music I listen too, acdc, Motörhead, slayer, guns n roses, Metallica, slayer. Proper mosher 🤣


ANYTHING COMING UP IN THE FUTURE (SKATING OR NOT SKATING) THAT YOU ARE PARTICUARLY LOOKING FORWARD TO: For the future I’m working on a few video parts, so just need to keep at it and stay on the board haha, just want to be on skate missions all the time!


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