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Krooked 'The Mermaid Video'

Aug 2019 by Route One

Krooked is just one of those brands. Actually, scratch that, Krooked isn't at all "just one of those brands." Krooked is entirely its own entity and, as a medium for Gonz to express his most personal and unorthodox ideas, it has to be one of the most culturally valuable companies skateboarding has ever known.

Their latest production, the interestingly titled 'The Mermaid Video,' just dropped through their own Youtube channel and it's a near ten minute masterpiece of the most proper skateboarding complemented with the artistic weirdness only the mind of Mark Gonzales could create.

As is so often the case with skateboarding today, the first reaction is to essentially reel off a list of who did what and express how "so and so's insert trick here was so daft you simply have to see it for yourself" but what would that achieve in this instance? The joy in watching a clip from Krooked is taking in the video as one cohesive piece and, as such, we recommend you do just that. Give yourself ten minutes and prepare to enjoy it, Krooked is just one of those brands where you know that is gonna be the case.

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