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Miles Silvas - The DEFINE Interview

Jun 2022 by Route One

Never one to back down from a battle, Miles Silvas has weathered various storms over the past few years to come out smiling as an undeniable marquee pro on the biggest team around, Primitive skateboards.

 After his previous board sponsor folded and a succession of injuries plagued his skateboarding, when Covid hit it would have been very easy for the Sacramento native to rest on his laurels, cashing in those adidas cheques and living the easy life. But as anyone who has seen either of his Thrasher My War's will testify, Miles isn't afraid to dig deep when the situation arises! 

 Over in the UK for the first stop of Primitive's DEFINE premiere tour, Miles joined us in our London store to chat about filming for the video, handling Covid, stepping up to Wallenberg and the pitfalls of line filming in downtown LA. Click play to hear what he has to say about all that and more!

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