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Red Bull Manny Mania

Apr 2011 by Route One

Manual trickery was the order of the day on Saturday as a sunbaked Central Skatepark in Manchester hosted the first heat of Red Bull Manny Mania 2011.

With skaters trying to balance their way to the London final and ultimately a chance to represent the UK in the world amateur finals in New York, the judges had a tough task on their hands.

A large number of skaters turned up to scope out the three manny pads and decipher the best lines in the free practice before the competition started in earnest.

Up for grabs for the top five skaters was a place in the London final on April 30 as well as some Superdead stash.

The best trick of the day, a 360 flip nose manual, was also rewarded with a Nintendo 3DS.

Our ever-present videographer Alex was of course on hand to document the highlights of the day ...


The final results are listed below:

1. Lloyd Mcleggon

2. Dom Henry
3. Jirka Bulin
4. Awadh Mohammed
5. Mick Remon

Best Trick: Mark Kendrick

The next chance for skaters to enter Red Bull Manny Mania is this Saturday, April 16 at Motion Ramp Park, Bristol.

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