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The History of Rincon

Apr 2018 by Route One

Back in the early-ish days of Youtube the best trick compilation was a sure fire view getter - all you needed to do was rip the best tricks of your favourite pro's, give it a suitably click bait title and before you new it you were knee-deep in subscribers. The advent of phone cameras and Instagram means that, for the majority at least, this approach has fallen fowl in favour of self documentation and promotion and you can't really argue with that; celebrating your own achievements is definitely preferable to living vicariously through those of others.

However, the basic premise remains and it does serve a purpose.  The lads behind 'Krak' have been collating archive footage for ages, documenting legendary spots and the tricks that have propelled them to that status. Whilst this serialisation is still just taking their favourite tricks and making mixtapes, there's no denying the historical significance of these spots and seeing the progression of skateboarding over the years, all in one place, is definitely worthy of our interest.

The latest episode focuses on Escondido, CA's Rincon High School and specifically the big ol' carcass toss four block (and accompanying 'gap out' rail) that JT initially made famous and has since been tackled by everyone from Steve Berra to Chris Joslin. Click play to see some serious hammers! 

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