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The New Deal 30th Anniversary Reissues

Oct 2019 by Route One

"Once upon a time there was a group of skaters who weren't happy with the way things were. Fed up with politics and fashion, they decided to get together and form a new company, along with the same friends. Upon trying to decide exactly what they wanted, the name became apparent." New Deal is Back, and they have brought with them all the original shapes and graphics. New deal was the brainchild of Andy Howell, Steve Douglas and Professor Schmitt. This trio of guys each used their own personal knowledge of the skateboard industry to create one of the most infamous brands in skate history. With riders like Edd Templeton, and Danny Sargent on board, the brand released videos such as "Useless Wooden toys" and the brilliant "15minute promo." We are so happy to welcome The New Deal to our ever-growing list of brands we stock. We think you will agree, these boards are not to be slept on!

Full length "15 minute promo" video originally released in 1990. Featuring: Danny Sargent, Andrew Morrison, Andy Howell, Hazze Lindgren, Steve Douglas and Ed Templeton. Original footage from the master tapes...

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