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Best of 2024: Crazy Wisdom

Dec 2024 by Route One

Let's not kid ourselves, as much as the cool guys and gatekeepers were decrying the handrail "anti-wax" or the enjoyably ostentatious editing of NKA, summer 2024 belonged to one man and one part only; Andy Anderson and his Crazy Wisdom.

At the time we went a bit meta and asked ourselves, "why are we posting Andy Anderson's new part for Powell?" After all, it's not as if you hadn't already seen it; it was the most hyped release of the year and has since amassed nearly 700k views. Was there really any point showcasing something you'd almost certainly already seen?

Well yeah, because this Nigel K Alexander curated masterpiece was absolutely fantastic! And if us resharing it with you today means you watch it again, you'll end up with that big ol' inevitable smile across your chops, and what more do we really want from life than that!?!

Breaking boundaries in so many ways, be it NBD tricks, new techniques to make spots skateable or producing the culmination of a life's work on an iPhone, this was certainly one of the most important parts of the year. Or maybe it wasn't and we're suffering  a fit of the hyperboles. Either way, we enjoyed it and we reckon you probably did too.

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