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F*cking Awesome Clip From K-Terps

Feb 2014 by Route One

He may have been called a “sourpuss” by Berra and banned from the Berrics for life but that hasn’t got Fucking Awesome and Huf rider Kevin Terpening down. No, in fact he seems high on the thrills of life if this new clip is anything to go by.

Though barely a minute long this brand new footage, curiously set to a scene from Luke Wilson flop ‘Idiocracy’, is as sterling a release as you would hope to see; High speed pop, creative manuals and skating in the rain – it’s all there in a nice bite size chunk of inspiring radness.

Throw in the ability to make a varial flip actually look OK plus an AVE cameo and you have what is by far one of the best clips of the past seven days.

TERP from FA World Entertainment on Vimeo.

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