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Jaws Vs El Toro

Nov 2017 by Route One

If you've seen the brand new Birdhouse vid 'Saturdays', you'll be well aware that Aaron 'Jaws' Homoki melons the infamous El Toro twenty set completely naked (and if you haven't seen it, what on earth are you playing at!?!). As shocking an occurrence as it is, it certainly isn't his first encounter with that biggest of skate proving grounds; in fact he's been there a lot!




Never one to shy away from dropping a good clip (or off a second story building when the need arrises) your boy Aaron has seen fit to release a compilation of his greatest battles with the spot over the years, all courtesy of Buster O'Shea's amazing 'A Happy Medium' series of vids.




Featuring more than its fair share of slams, the clip also includes a seriously shocking amount of tricks - this is a full on twenty stair after all! Stalefish, indy and kick flip melon all get handled with ease; we all know Jaws is super human when it comes to jumping down big stuff but the fact he can knock out such manoeuvres barely breaking a sweat is testament to just how rad the  Phoenix, AZ lad really is! 




Click play now, just don't blame us if you knees start hurting at just the thought of trying this kind of stuff!


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