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Lacey Baker 'My World' Part

Jan 2017 by Route One

There is a common problem in skateboarding regarding prize funds and payment for female athletes. With the idea that  "women would deserve equal remuneration were they able to compete at the same level."

Even though we like to think of skateboarding as somewhat more enlightened, than the meat head mindset you find in many other sports, few can deny the regularly seen comment in social media for ladies skateboarding as: "that part was good, for a girl..."

Whether she gives a toss or not, Covina CA native Lacey Baker has well and truly smashed that glass ceiling with a part that even the most insecure teenager can't label with gender stereotypes; this part (much like footage from the likes of Alexis Sablone, Elissa Steamer, Marissa Del Santo and more) is simply really, really good.

Nose grinding nollie heel out on the top of a picnic table, steeze that would make Gino weep and a penchant for the 'oh so de rigueur' all-white-everything 'fit means Lacey ticks every box right now. Whether she cares about gender politics or just wants to skate is completely up to her; we all have our own prerogative about how we want to represent ourselves and equally we all want to see good skating. Lacey certainly delivers that!

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