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Nora Vasconcellos: The Route One Interview Pt.1

Nov 2022 by Route One

They say "never meet your heroes." Whoever 'they' are, they've never spent time in the company of adidas skateboarding legend Nora Vasconcellos!

Having transcended normal sponsored skater status, her high flying ability and fun loving personality have propelled her to a mononymous level of fame. So it makes perfect sense that adidas saw fit to reward her with her own signature shoe, the appropriately named 'Nora.'

Joining us in the basement of our London store back in late September, fresh from breaking her ankle on Wandsworth Roundabout's infamous banks the evening before, Nora's was such pleasant company we ended up chatting way too long for just one interview, which is why we're splitting things up and giving you lucky people a belting two parter!

Part One, where Nora talks about the shoe, her ankle and why women's stuff needs to be more than just a pink stripe, is up now. Stay tuned for a whole lot more Nora based chat coming soon!

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