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Snoop Dogg: Skate Coach...

Oct 2016 by Route One

adidas footwear have seen fit to release Dennis Busenitz' epic 'Away Days' part and, as much as the opening scene is a proper cringe fest, there's no denying it is definitely one of the stand out parts of 2016.

Den Den, as Snoop affectionately refers to him, brings not only his usual full throttle approach but also some mind (and physics) bending skateboarding ridiculousness. Everyone reading this can knock out the odd hippy jump, it's been a skateboarding staple as long as skateboards have existed, but we doubt very few can send a board one side of a lamp post whilst they go round the other, landing it as clean a whistle in the process!

Rap star cameos and "circus tricks" aside, this is classic Busenitz and the Real Skateboards pro proves time and time again why he is one of the most revered pros in the game. We don't really need to wax lyrical about his prowess any more as we're sure you've all seen the full vid anyway; it's just it's nice to revisit great parts from time to time and everyone knows a Busenitz part is about as great as they come!

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