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Lois Pendlebury Interview - Route One Exclusive

Mar 2014 by Route One

In this issue we would like to introduce you to the newest recruit to our ever evolving skate team…
Route One Skate Team manager Josh Young explains what prompted him to recruit Lois before catching up with the lady herself for a quick chat:

“I felt like it was essential to have a rad girl skater representing Route One, so who better than Bradfordian ripper Lois Pendlebury! Getting her on the team was a no-brainer as she kills it on (and off) a skateboard, gets on well with the guys and is one of the most productive people I know!”

So you’ve just come back from your first trip with Route One, how was your experience? Aw mate, the trip was class, what a team to be part of. I pretty much knew all the boys beforehand so felt included straight away. It was sick to catch up with people and share some memorable experiences. Everyone on the team rips hard (which hypes me) and it’s great to skate with them. We skated some really excellent parks, which for sure are going to shape the future of UK skating - there are a lot of rippers in the making!

Any particular highlights from the tour? I was on a constant hype; I enjoyed all of it - even waking up at 8am after going to bed at 4am, stiffening up in a van for hours before skating in a hectic park rammed with hyped up little humans. It’s all part of it. We went for some slap up meals, sank a few bevvies, got up to a bit of mischief, ye know, all boxes were ticked.

Being the only girl on the team do you feel like you have to boss the guys around a bit? Nah, not even, there was no need. Everyone gives as much as they get in terms of banter. I don’t really feel that being a girl makes much of a difference, we’re all just skate rats.

What’s the girl’s skate scene like in the UK and how can you see it developing and growing? For a little while I’ve been quite detached from the girl’s scene in the UK. I’ve been spending the last few winters in France and the summers on the move throughout Europe, so, I haven’t skated with many of the UK chicks much at all (apart from at contests). In the last five or six years I would say that the number of girls attending contests and getting coverage in the UK has been pretty constant with many familiar faces. The UK scene in general had been fragmented but now it seems that there are groups of girls skating together. I think things are definitely going to change rapidly in the next year or so due to skate facilities that are more integrated into the community. Movers and shakers like Lucy Adams and Dani G are doing things to encourage and gain exposure for femi shredders. I also think it is really important for the girls to be visible at the big UK contests and to travel more in general. We are moving in the right direction, I think there are more girls out there skating and we should be looking towards more developed and organised scenes like those in Scandinavia.

Obviously you’ve been on all girl skate trips, which one stands out for you? Hmmm there are so many. From 2010-12 Helena Long, Dani Mellor and I were always on the road in the UK and Europe for contests, and with the Ladies Monthly and Ladies Skate Series events we organised. We travelled together throughout Europe and every year I go to stay with friends in Sweden, Denmark, France, Spain, etc. Stand out? I don’t know, that whole time was outstanding!

Do you have any plans to put together a video part? Yeah, I’ve been out filming with Alex recently, we’re going to put out a little edit soon. It’s really motivating to have someone to go out filming with. Despite skating pretty constantly I’ve not had too many opportunities to film.

Thoughts on Nyjah Houston? I believe people are entitled to their views, if I disagree with them I’m not going to let that affect me in a negative way. It was pretty daft what he said, and if people choose to agree with him then that’s their business - obviously most people don’t think like he does.

Which Bradfordian legends do you skate with? Prior to the trip it was a good while since I’d skated with Doug but it was really excellent to do so again. We’re currently both in Bradford so we are able to session again which is bloody brilliant.

When you’re not skating what do you fill your spare time with? Friends, family, reading, pointless stuff, money making stuff, Twin Peaks, eating, drinking, music, yoga I dunno, the usual stuff…

Any last words? Be happy, be healthy, know what you want and pursue it. Life is hard and life is beautiful, ride with it.

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