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Ludo Mendez

Mar 2023 by Route One

Trendy Frenchman in 'Free Magazine video release shocker!'

Only messing, it's fantastic that Free took up the mantle of the much missed Kingpin magazine, showcasing pan European talent in a skate-world often obsessed with the Anglosphere.

That said, Ludo Mendez is very much a trendy French man but also very much a fantastic skateboarder; both so much so that we cant remember his t-shirt coming untucked once throughout this Thomas Vigoureux curated clip!

A man with a stupendous amount of pop, he equally enjoys a de-rigueur ride-on grind, which makes us big fans - when we can kinda fool ourselves we might be able to do some tricks in a video it sends our ego's rocketing skywards. Even if reality would bring it crashing down, we do love a little bit of imagined relatability!

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