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Blind 'United Nations'

Mar 2018 by Route One

Despite Insta and Thrasher appearing as current leaders in the war for your viewing pleasures, The Berrics keep trundling along and producing some rather brilliant content; the continuation of their fantastic 'United Nations' series being a case in point. This time around it's the turn of the Blind team and anything that affords the opportunity to witness the flawless majesty of young Yuto Horigome is alright by us!


We'll tell you what else we like though, and we expect a lot of you may well not agree, but how refreshing is it to see a video edited for fun and to a bit of classic cheese!?! Ignoring the current de riguer choice of trap-inspired Hip Hop (or license free crap that nobody is buying!), somebody somewhere decided to dig out the Dad-rock and The Sweet's 'Fox on the Run' is the perfect fun-time soundtrack to a team that obviously love skating together.

And, for those of you that need to mute it within the first few seconds, please still give this your full attention as the skating contained within is absolutely bonkers. Obviously Yuto's stuff is untouchable but you have to remember the current incarnation of Blind also includes Kevin Romar, Sewa Kroetkov, TJ Rogers, Cody McEntire and new boy Jordan Maxham - when it comes to putting it down these lads really don't mess about! 

So there you have it; regardless of your feelings over the inclusion of 1970 British Glam Rock, this is one of those clips that you really need to see this week...

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