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Brandon Westgate: The Route One Interview

Mar 2016 by Route One

Two weeks ago Brandon Westgate and a select few Element heads were on a whistle stop tour of Europe to promote his exclusive new clothing line. Route One skate team main man Josh Young caught up with the East Coast powerhouse during his brief stop in London to chat clothing design, back breaking slams and more!

A quick morning ride around the iconic Southbank preceded Josh and Brandon sitting down for their chat and, once inside, the two discussed the pertinent subjects at hand. Obviously the signature clothing line took precedence, and the Emerica ripper can be rightly proud of his new Element collection, but that certainly wasn’t all; his recent move into full time cranberry farming, touring with the Element guys, the upcoming full length video and much more besides were discussed freely.

Brandon Westgate is one of those names that sits at the top of virtually everyone’s “favourites” list so we’re massively stoked that he opened up our 2016 series of interviews, keep an eye out for many more over the next ten months!

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