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Skate Mental's 'Aunt Tammy Vol2'

Mar 2018 by Route One

Skate Mental's 'Aunt Tammy Vol 1' was one of our favourite clips of January; the combined double header talents of Dan Plunkett and Jake Anderson were enough to banish the harshest winter blues so we were super stoked to see that the latest offering had popped up on Thrasher's front page on Monday.


Now, though two months may have passed, we have to admit we're no clearer on the reasons behind the titling so we're afraid we can't shed any light on it for you. That said, who knows why Mind Field was called Mind Field or why éS used a Malaysian word for their greatest ever production - sometimes you just don't need an answer for these things, and we don't expect Staba is gonna clear up this one any time soon!



Anyway, name nonsense aside, episode two focuses on the Euro contingent of the Skate Mental crew and sees hot, up to the minute action from the likes of Wieger Van Wageningen, Fernando Bramsmark, Karsten Kleppan and more. The skating is every bit as good as you'd expect and the ender is simply ridiculous - Staba knows what he wants from his skate team and these guys know how to deliver!

Check it out over on Thrasher now.



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