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Sync: The Tony Hawk ‘Doubles’ Part

May 2014 by Route One

Do you wanna smile? Would you like to see some of the most insane transition skating you’re ever likely to witness? Yeah? Then you simply must watch this latest Tony Hawk section, released over on the Ride Channel.

Filmed predominantly on his own indoor vert ramp and featuring a cast of the biggest names in the industry (everyone from Rowley To Andy Mac, Guy Mariano to Daewon) this is Alex (the R1 filmer’s) favourite section of the year so far and with very good reason.

The video games, the biggest sponsorship deals in “action sports” history; there’s a reason ‘The Birdman’ is deserving of all of this. He’s simply the greatest ambassador for skateboarding we’ll ever have and at 45 years old is still destroying it – the man is an absolute champ!

Watch the vid and thank whichever deity you choose for the existence of Anthony Frank Hawk; he IS skateboarding.

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