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Chris Joslin: The Route One Interview

Oct 2020 by Route One

Credit: Rich Wilson

Hi Chris, great to see you again! It's safe to say 2020 has been one hell of a year, how've you've been coping with lockdown?

In the beginning of lockdown I was still skating just being careful about it all, but once I found out I needed surgery I’ve just been chilling at home, taking things easy.  

The big story for you personally is that you've just had knee surgery. How's the recovery going?

Yeah it was a pretty quick and easy procedure, just cleaning out some loose cartilage and a bone chip. Healing has been going nicely so far.  

 The other big news has to be the release of the Etnies Joslin 2. Congratulations! What was the design process like?

It was pretty much a ground up redesign, completely new sole of the shoe and new top as well. I'm really hyped on it!

At the end of March the part for the 'Joslin 2' dropped and we were blown away...

I was super stoked on the way the part turned out, and looking back now it was nice to get something put out before going off the grid for a bit. 

Despite the knee you were still jumping down stuff and it's safe to say the switch frontside flip ender has to be one of the biggest ever! what's your mindset for something like that?

Well the first time I tried it, I knew we were going to the spot but wasn’t too sure what to try. When we got there I realized the spot wasn’t too big, so I figured I'd try something that wasn’t just a “go to” which happened to be the switch frontside flip. 

After sticking it several times and not being able to roll away the sun started going down so it seemed best to just come back to it. We went back a second time and I was fully confident it was going to work out, but to my surprise after trying it for several hours and only sticking like three I was beat. So we had to go back a third time two days before the deadline on a gloomy and windy day and rather than trying to battle it out, I waited till the next day, the absolute last day to film for the part. 

That was a LOT of pressure, which sucked, but luckily this time I was able to roll away forth try. But yeah, that one was a battle for sure!

Credit: Rich Wilson

Talking about big jumps, we can't forget about the tre that 'nearly was' down El Toro. Since we last spoke the school has gone under a remodelling. Does that put the idea to bed for good? 

Yea the idea had pretty much been put to bed before the school was remodelled. The construction work just kinda sealed the deal. But Who knows? Maybe one day I’ll get a wild hair up my ass!

The last time we spoke pretty much the entire interview revolved around your daughter, looking at your social media now it seems your bond has only grown!

Yeah being a dad is a trip, I thought I had endless amounts of energy but this kid has got me beat for sure haha! I'm about to have a little boy too so that should be fun! 

Speaking of social media, you're sharing your work outs a lot. How are you feeling right now?

I’ve definitely been in better shape before but I’m not in the worst shape of my life so that’s something to be thankful for. 

Credit: Jameson Decew

Finally, what are your hopes for the rest of the year, do you reckon you'll be back on your board and filming for something new soon?

I’d love to see COVID coming to an end but I just don’t see it happening soon. But COVID or no COVID, as soon as I can be back on a skateboard again, I will be.  

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