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House Of Hammers Is Now Open!

Jan 2014 by Route One

You may recall that during our interview with legendary Deathwish and Supra pro Jim Greco last summer he talked about his own private park; his “treat for himself after finishing the Deathwish video”. We asked him whether he was thinking about maybe putting out a bit of footage from the ‘The House of Hammers’ and in typical Greco style hinted that it may well be a possibility. Needless to say we were stoked and waited with baited breath...

Finally, our waiting is over and Thrasher has released a full two minutes of Jeremy Klein and Rodney Mullen inspired shredding that will make you want to drop what you’re doing, go out and skate. Rigging up the most awkward of combos Jim comes through with a part that nods backwards as much as it looks forwards – it’s simply a really rad part that’ll hype you up again and again!

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