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HUF: 45° NORTH, 122° WEST

Apr 2017 by Route One

45 degrees north, 122 west: Type those coordinates into Google Maps and you'll end up slap bang in the middle of the great state of Oregon, specifically on the outskirts of that most famous of skateboarding cities; beautiful Portland. And it's amongst these weathered streets of the liberal north-west that the illustrious HUF footwear team find themselves in this brand new video that set the internet alight on Tuesday evening.

Featuring the undeniable talents of the likes of Tyler Bledsoe, Dan Plunkett, Peter Ramondetta, Brad Cromer and Jake Anderson, and beautifully shot as they venture around the rain drenched state, this is skateboarding with a sense of maturity. Style and substance rise above brash personality or overtly technical showmanship* and it makes an ever so refreshing change to see a simplistic sophistication brought to the fore once again.

Throw in a very welcome Silas Baxter-Neal cameo (come on, it wouldn't be a Portland clip without him) and you have the kind of production that HUF have built their stellar reputation on. This is the kind of skateboarding for the purists to enjoy...

*Well, there is one insane tech hammer that'll make T-Puds weep, but we won't spoil the surprise for you!

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