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Jenn Soto

Jun 2023 by Route One

Jenn Soto is a beast, no two ways about it. At the forefront of the charge in women's skateboarding over the past decade, adidas' New Jersey connection has made a name for herself as an unparalleled talent. It's this skill that has earned her a well-deserved place on the Thunder Trucks team.

As a purveyor of the finest technical proficiency, it should come as no surprise that Jenn unashamedly sports an affinity for a Spanish plaza. Endless sun and perfect granite are a winning combination in most people's books but for the lucky few in possession of the skills Jenn harbours, it's the canvas with which to paint the most timeless skateboarding beauty.

And though it may only be short at a few seconds over two minutes long, this part serves as a reminder that whilst female skateboarding grows daily, the women leading the charge over the last ten years are still pushing it harder than anyone else. as we said at the start, Jenn Soto is a beast, no two ways about it!

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