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Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
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John Dilorenzo 'Awake'

Nov 2018 by Route One

John is one of those dudes that, for some reason or other, has never really got the attention and credit his skateboarding deserves. The lad has a bona fide top notch list of sponsors no doubt, and every one of them wholeheartedly deserved, yet how often do you hear his name crop up in conversations about your favourite skaters? Not much we'd hazard to guess. Which is a massive shame really as the lad is a Grade A ripper and his latest collection of clips, thrust forward onto the world through the good folk at Venture, properly illustrates just how good his skateboarding has become.


Just look at the first trick in this. Back in the day Clyde Singleton singlehandedly declared fakie frontside flips completely illegal yet here's Dilo, making the move look oh so good.  And it's not just reinstating previously unacceptable manoeuvres into the collective consciousness that he's capable of; his high speed lines and ability to power through the most treacherous looking wheelbite scenarios really floats our boat. His name might not have been popping up in too many conversations about your favourite skaters but it really ought to; he's doing everything right, just see for yourself...

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