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Kiss Me in the NT

May 2019 by Route One

What do you get if you cross the coolest Aussie skateboard brand from the last decade with the coolest American clothing brand from the last century? Summat that seems to work pretty well in the here and now of 2019!

Pass-Port x Carhartt is a match made in Josh Pall's heaven and it's not far off ours too, given just how big fans we are of the thinking man's Antipodean board brand and the fact we've been stocking the heritage workwear co Carhartt longer than most of you have been alive!

12 days from the bottom of the Northern Territory to the top, delightfully edited into a easily digestible eight minute offering by the ever talented Sydney local George Kousoulis, the video features Jack O'Grady, Matlok Bennett-Jones, Josh Pall, Callum Paul, Trent Evans & Joseph Biais tearing everything from Alice Springs to Darwin a proverbial new one. Get pressing that play button!

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