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Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
Over 80,000 5 star reviews
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Larry Vs The Kid

Dec 2018 by Route One

Ah, there's something reliably great about a Volcom video. Their camera work and editing is always on point, they own their own music label so there's unlikely to be some awful license free crap ripped from Soundcloud and, best of all, the team is stacked so whoever goes on a trip there's still gonna be one of your favourites in the mix somewhere in there.

And although people regularly seem to claim the social media revolution has caused attention spans to shrink to little more than seconds (tell that to Fat Bill and his 84 minutes eh!), brands like Volcom have a little more faith in the viewing public and are still putting out proper tour vids like this, giving you a hearty 17 minutes to feast upon. You really can't complain about that!



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