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Nike SB: Ishod Wair 'Back On My BS'

Jul 2018 by Route One

You've got to have seen this already. We know that. It's been out a few days and it's so perfect that there's really little chance that this brand new part from Ishod has passed you by. But do you know what? It's so good and so rewatchable that we don't care that, in modern terms at least, it's kinda old news. Skateboarding media may move super fast in 2018, but some things are just so satisfyingly superb that they have to be appreciated for the ages and if that means posting a five day old clip then so be it. And we're alright with that!

The thing is, how do we sell the idea of this clip to you if you haven't yet pressed play? It's kind of hard to conceive that you haven't yet but maybe that's because we've seen it and we know how pleasing a four minute ensemble of skateboarding it is. We've witnessed one of the greatest ATV's of all time set to the comically brilliant yet terrible warblings of Mark Morrison and we know the legitimate splendor contained within and the overwhelming enjoyment experienced by those who bear witness to its charms.

So we're just going to assume you have seen it. And post it again because it's an Ishod part. And it's brill.

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