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PASSIONate: Andrew Reynolds Hidden Part

May 2016 by Route One

Eight minutes of mess-a-bout dork footage from one of the greatest ever? If that doesn’t sound appealing to you then, quite simply, you’re in the wrong pastime!

Baker boss, Indy Trucks representative and long-time Emerica Pro Andrew Reynolds is synonymous with the greatest skateboarding ever documented. He’s also a life-long skate rat and that means he can do pretty much anything he wants on a board; so when he’s not focusing on frontside flipping 17 sets or putting perfect shuvit heels down Hollywood High he doing what the rest of us do – playing about and having the time of his life.

This brand new clip, featuring an amalgam of all-sorts of archive footage, shows a much more fun side to the Boss’ skateboarding and proves to all the po-faced individuals out there taking things far too seriously that even the best in the world love a good mess-around, he just happens to be way better at it than the rest of us!

PASSIONate- Andrew Reynolds Hidden Part from blacks why on Vimeo.

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