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Patrick Wallner’s ‘Melodies For The Lemurs’

May 2015 by Route One

Having won European ‘Skate Filmer Of The Year’, Patrick Wallner was rewarded by Red Bull with the opportunity to visit any place of his choosing, to produce a short piece on their behalf. Having “scrabbled for an atlas” Patrick settled on Madagascar and the clip below not only beautifully showcases one of the final frontiers for skateboarding but also just how deserving Patrick was of his award.

Featuring Barney Page, Denny Pham, Nestor Judkins and more, you know that the skating is going to be on point despite the lack of traditional spots available on the island. Trip translator Kirill Korobkov introduces the video with the following words:

“Madagascar sounds a bit like something from the pages of a fantasy novel. Everyone knows that this place exists but it’s so remote that it is almost like a myth. The big island resides on Africa’s east side and is a rare destination for outsiders, isolated by both sea and distance. In terms of skateboarding? Madagascar just might be the perfect mix of originality, adventure, vacation and the predictable unknown”

Red Bull - Melodies for the Lemurs (Full Length) from Patrik Wallner on Vimeo.

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