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Primitive 'Fourth Quarter'

Nov 2020 by Route One
You really have to hand it to Primitive, not only have they assembled perhaps the greatest team in modern day skating but they've also the apparent ability to create more top rate footage than any competing brand. Thinking about it though, maybe there's a bit of causation between the first and second achievements; with a team so stacked it makes sense they can drop full length bangers so bloomin' regularly!
Their latest release 'Fourth Quarter' dropped this week and it serves not only to remind us just how good Miles Silvas, Trent McClung and Robert Neal are but also celebrate the ascension of Giovanni Vianna to the professional ranks. Flame haired Brazilian Gio has been on a tear for of late and this two-song opening part vindicates the faith P-Rod and the boys have shown in him. His knack for taking lesser seen rail tech and turning it into a thing of beauty really is something to behold and his finely balanced shuvit nosegrind on the Oceanside hubba warrants pro status all by itself!
Rookie pro Gio is followed by the high popping Robert Neal, who in turn makes way for middle McClung Trent, before 'man of the moment' Miles Silvas closes the video, mere days since his Spitfire part dropped, with some of his most mind boggling skating to date. Obviously that perfect style is evidenced throughout but that ender? Somebody is making a SOTY push, make no mistake!

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