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Reading Festival 2011 Report

Sep 2011 by Route One

Last weekend we sent our skate/hardware buyer Nick off to the muddy fields of Berkshire to check out this years Reading Festival. This is how he got on ...

Just to start off, this was the muddiest Reading I have ever been to. Fact! (and I’ve been to about 12 over the years!)I arrived on the Friday afternoon, due to work, but I have to say that was a good move!

Due to massive amounts of rain on the Thursday night we arrived to pools of water in the campsite and as I said before, loads of mud! After a long walk from White Car Park up through the various colour coded campsites I eventually found a decent pitch in the Green site so straight down to business - tent up, beers drank and into the Main Arena!

I saw so many bands over the weekend I couldn’t name them all but personal highlights were: Rival Schools, The Bronx, OFWGKTA, Nero, Death From Above 1979, Glassjaw and Descendents.

Not to everyone’s taste I’m sure but the great thing about the Reading Festival is the huge diversity of all the acts on offer.

Over the course of the weekend the rain stopped, the sun came out and the mud started to dry up so spirits lifted! (Too much for some - we found a poor guy in the bar who’s two mates had fallen asleep on him … at 8pm! Classic!)So all in all a great weekend!

Get involved now to get next year’s tickets at this year’s prices and save yourself some dollar!

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