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Richard Angelides 'Bobshirt' Interview

Oct 2017 by Route One

If you're under the age of 25 you'll be forgiven for the name 'Richard Angelides' not being a familiar one. Sure, you may well have seen him in a long distant copy of 2005's Transworld video 'First Love', but we wouldn't blame you if that's as far as your knowledge of him goes. 

Well, thanks to those same good folk at Transworld, you can now learn a whole host of skate geek facts about the man who brought possibly the dopest style ever to the game - and then spend the next week searching out every last clip of him that exists in the deep and dark recesses of the internet. 

At 46 minutes long, this easily runs into the same territory as the famed 9 Club interviews (but without the constant self referencing of Chris Roberts) and allows you an insight into a forgotten hero of our kind.  

Skating for adidas before skating for adidas was even a thing and being the architect of some of the most beautiful skating ever committed to camera means this man is easily worth three quarters of an hour of your time. Get yourself a brew, treat yourself to a biscuit or two and settle yourself down for the full thing; you're about to become acquainted with your new favourite skater.

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