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Ryan Lay '102 Trick Line'

Apr 2018 by Route One

Do you ever have one of those moments at the park where, no matter how you've been skating for the rest of the day, all of a sudden it comes together and, before you know it, you've knocked out a chiller line with eight or nine tricks back to back and even somehow managed a move or two that usually takes ages? Those oh-so-rare moments make all the grazed elbows and battered shins fade into the distance and everything suddenly becomes worth it. Now imagine that moment but with a 102 trick line...


No, we're not taking the micky, Etnies and Welcome ripper (and all round nice guy) Ryan Lay set about putting down 100 tricks in a row for his recent birthday and the culmination of his efforts saw quite possibly the longest continuous string of skateboarding tricks ever committed to tape.

And we're not talking 51 tail taps and 51 rock fakies either. Ryan opens up his attempts with a frontide nollie switch 5.0 revert and pretty much keeps it at that level through out. Can you imagine having that much control? The lad is a beast! Click play now for some mind boggling (if slightly repetitive) action...

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