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Smoke 'em or Bust

Nov 2021 by Route One

You know those ditches they seem to have all across the western desert states of America? Makes you sick with jealousy doesn't it!?! Here we are with a barely waxed kerb round the back of Lidl, all covered in wet leaves, and those bloomin' Yanks can walk out of their back doors and seemingly stumble into a never-ending supply of storm drains to tickle their skateboarding fancy.

Well, if that's the kind of thing that triggers the green eyed monster in you we suggest you take this Independent 'Smoke 'em or Bust' clip with a health warning, as San Diego's Tick ditch is skate spot pornography of the highest calibre and the session that went down last weekend looks about as entertaining as an afternoon's skating gets.

Evan Smith, Chris Colbourn, Milton Martinez and more take on the best bank to kerb in the biz, a wavy flat bar and a hill bomb race so gnarly the local A&E likely broke its concussion record many times over. Watch this and weep, then go skate that wet Lidl kerb and blame your parents for making you live here.

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