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The Kazakhstan Triangle

Jul 2016 by Route One

Skate film maker extraordinaire Patrick Wallner is one of the most highly regarded in his field and it is easy to see why; a unique eye for the most beautiful of architecture and a willingness to venture into the most exotic of climbs has seen him produce some of the most breathtaking skate cinematography to date.

His latest piece, once again in association with Red Bull and featuring a rag tag crew of his long time cohorts, focuses on the little visited Kazakhstan and the skateboarding possibilities held within. This is not Borat style comedy stereotyping, this is the reality of one of the largest countries on the globe. Patrick himself explains further:

Kazakhstan is one of the 10 largest countries in the world, and within that list Kazakhstan will probably be the state you know least about – for a few reasons. Firstly, Central Asia is a very distant region from most of us, and is situated far from the current news agenda. Also, it is a young country which only became independent in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR. Underdeveloped tourism is another factor: Kazakhstan has started to open up recently, but it is still more difficult to travel around than many countries.

 This is twenty minutes of skateboard tourism that yet again proves there is more to be had than Macba flat and Kulturforum. Get exploring!

Redbull - The Kazakhstan Triangle (Full Length) from Patrik Wallner on Vimeo.

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