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Ultimatum – Norro

Apr 2016 by Route One

Finland’s Sami Miettinen is that oh so rarest of beasts; purveyor of the finest Euro tech whilst also maintaining the loosest of trucks. Rarer than hen’s teeth and twenty times as radical!

The young lad on Emerica flow really knows his way around a skateboard – his control is immense and his penchant for technical manoeuvres at Mach 10 really does make for an entertaining watch. Having first come to prominence (outside of Scandinavia at least) as part of the now legendary Perus crew, Sami is doing things properly ad knocks out tricks faster and cleaner than most, whilst seemingly having a whale of a time, grinning from ear to ear.

Finding enough varying superlatives each time we report on a new clip is quite hard, as we’re sure you’ll understand; skateboarding is so rad right now with the seemingly endlessly increasing levels of ability and the fact that new parts drop hourly. This clip really has done for us though, we’ve searched the thesaurus, checked the dictionary – we honestly cannot find enough ways to express just how good this is….

Ultimatum - Norro from Ultimatum on Vimeo.

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