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Frankie Villani for Thunder

Oct 2017 by Route One

Frankie Villani's stock seems to be rising and, on the evidence of this brand new part from Thunder Trucks, it's easy to see why. Though he may well have parted ways with long-time Sponsor Zero a little over four weeks ago, with a stand out part in the recent New Balance video Tricolor, and an already impressive back catalogue of clips despite his tender years, the Santa Ana native is certainly making the right kind of waves to secure quite a career for himself.




This part certainly maintains parity with his earlier efforts, kicking off with an almighty beast of a kick flip before moving on to the signature creativity that we've come to know and love. He certainly sells the idea of riding Thunders too as, let's be fair, he's not the smallest guy in the world but the trucks are holding up to every bit of punishment he dishes out.




Mixing up awkward spots with an all-terrain approach will always win fans here at Route One, so we're stoked to see Frankie is yet again venturing uncomfortable territory; some of these really aren't spots in the traditional sense, but young Mr Villani takes them apart all the same. 




It's definitely going to be interesting to see where he ends up after Zero, but it's even more entertaining watching him get there. Click play to join him for the ride...

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