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In Hart We Trust

Sep 2016 by Route One

Everyone's favourite Euro brand turns uber-yank Paul Hart pro with this 'solid as you like' clip hosted by those good ol' boys at Thrasher.

If ever you wanted a perfect visualisation of text book technique, the young man from Jacksonville, Florida would surely be your 'go to' guy; every trick is popped, flicked and stomped with precision, power and finesse. You don't get on some of the most respected brands in the industry without showing a little prowess and Cliche doesn't turn you pro unless you truly deserve it - when you're knocking out Hollywood high NBD's like they were nowt then deserve it you really do!

One thing that is super refreshing to see is the Globe Shoes' rippers penchant for knocking out the odd fakie trick or two. Nollie is so passe in 2016; we all know everyone can do whatever they want off the nose but fakie is far too often ignored, maligned as being the less cooler cousin. Paul flips that argument right on its head and proves that going properly backwards is as badass as it gets...

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